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Corporate America and the Fear of Getting Fired

The motivation to write this post stemmed from a meeting I had with a client where I noticed dumbfounding characteristics about corporate employees. The meeting was about a presentation on which I’m currently working. How can Corporate America continue to be profitable when it seems like not getting fired is the primary focus of the […]

Tabata Is Like A Business

I took an exercise class with my wife, a class that she takes a few times a week.  The class was a Tabata class.  It was the first time that I have taken a class like this.  For anyone that does not understand Tabata – you business exercise for a period of time, “You do […]

You Don’t Get Paid to Catch-Up On Work

I had a meeting earlier this week with a potential client.  When I walked into his office for Work, our conversation went like this: I asked him, “How’s it going?” He said, “Busy.” I said, “That’s great, better than being slow.” He replied, “Yes, that is very true.” I responded, “Other than you need some […]

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